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Assessment Results


Atelopus oxapampae

Order: Anura Family: Bufonidae

Assessed for: Peru   on: 30 Jun 2023   by: AArk/ASI Atelopus Assessment Workshop
Authors: Chaparro, J.C. ; Roca-Rey Ross, B. ; Venegas, P.
IUCN Global Red List: Endangered (EN)
National Red List: (not assessed)
Distribution: Peru
Evolutionary Distinctiveness score: 11.20894069

Recommended Conservation Actions:

Additional Comments: Esta especie podría favorecerse teniendo una población de seguridad en cautiverio

Question # Short Name Question Text Response Comments
1 Extinction risk Current IUCN Red List category. [Data obtained from the IUCN Red List.] Endangered (EN) En Perú está categorizada como en Peligro (DECRETO SUPREMO No 004-2014-MINAGRI) , hay una actualización del estatus de la especie pero aún no se ha publicado.
2 Possibly extinct Is there a strong possibility that this species might be extinct in the wild? No / unlikely A comparación de otras especies de Atelopus que habitan en Perú, ésta aún se encuentra en los sitios en donde está registrada.
3 Phylogenetic significance The taxon’s Evolutionary Distinctiveness (ED) score, as generated by the ZSL EDGE program. (These data are not editable by Assessors). ED value < 20
4 Protected habitat Is a population of at least 50% of the individuals of the taxon included within a well-managed or reliably protected area or areas? No / unlikely Se encuentra en el Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén (1220 km2) y en el Ulcumano EcoLodge. Cerca del bosque de protección estatal Pui Pui (la población se encuentra en el área de amortiguamiento) se encuentra una población, hay intención de crear un área de conservación por parte del gobierno regional. Los Bosques de Protección son áreas naturales protegidas de uso directo, en las que, mediante planes de manejo, está permitido el uso tradicional y aprovechamiento sostenible de recursos naturales por las poblaciones locales.
5 Habitat for reintroduction, conservation translocation or supplementation Does enough well-managed and reliably protected habitat exist, either within or outside of currently protected areas that is suitable for conservation translocation, including population restoration or conservation introduction? Yes / probably Ulcumano EcoLodge (102 hectáreas), ésta es un área privada protegida donde actualmente se encuentra la especies.
6 Previous reintroductions Have reintroduction or translocation attempts been made in the past for this species? No
7 In situ conservation activities Are any in situ conservation actions currently in place for this species? (Only required if a Red List Assessment has not been completed, or if new actions have been implemented since the last Red List Assessment. (Information from the Conservation Actions section of the Red List assessment should be reviewed and considered when answering this question.). No / unlikely Registro de especies por parte de los guardaparques (monitoreo)
8 In situ conservation activities Are additional in situ conservation actions required to help conserve this species in the wild (e.g. habitat restoration and/or protection, control of invasive species, national legislation etc.)? Yes / probably - Conservación del hábitat actual de la especie - Consolidación de un área de protección regional - Para poblaciones fuera de las áreas protegidas se deben crear figuras de protección privada de manera de crear un corredor.
9 In situ research Is additional in situ research required to better understand the species, e.g. distribution, population trends, natural history etc.? Yes - Se llevó a cabo un estudio para quitridio a 8 individuos resultando todos negativos al hongo (com. pers. Pablo Venegas 2023) - Se requieren estudios de biología básica/historia natural. - Son necesarios estudios poblacionales
10 Threat mitigation Are the threats facing the taxon, including any new and emerging threats not considered in the IUCN Red List, potentially reversible? Threats are likely to be reversible in time frame to prevent further decline / extinction La amenaza más importante que enfrenta la especie es la pérdida de hábitat. Los alrededores del Parque Nacional Yanachaga-Chemillén se utilizan intensamente para plantaciones, o para la cría de ganado lo que provoca una gran erosión del suelo y escorrentía de agroquímicos en arroyos (IUCN RL assessment 2018) Como otras especies de montaña, el cambio climático es una amenaza potencial.
11 Over-collection from the wild Is the taxon suffering from collection within its natural range, either for food, for the pet trade or for any other reason, which threatens the species’ continued persistence in the wild? No / unlikely
12 Population recovery Is the known population of this species in the wild large enough to recover naturally, without ex situ intervention if threats are mitigated? Yes / probably Aunque no se han hecho estudios poblacionales, esta es una especie que aún puede encontrarse en las salidas de campo.
13 Action plans Does an Action Plan for the species already exist, or is one currently being developed? No Existe un plan de acción general para el género Atelopus de la Iniciativa de Supervivencia de Atelopus
14 Biological distinctiveness Does the taxon exhibit a distinctive reproductive mode, behaviour, aspect of morphology or physiology, within the Order to which it belongs (e.g. Anura, Passeriformes etc.)? No aspect of biology known to be exceptional
15 Cultural/socio-economic importance Does the taxon have a special human cultural value (e.g. as a national or regional symbol, in a historic context, featuring in traditional stories) or economic value (e.g. food, traditional medicine, tourism) within its natural range or in a wider global context? No
16 Scientific importance Is the species vital to current or planned research other than species-specific ecology/biology/conservation within the Order to which it belongs (e.g. Anura, Passeriformes etc.) e.g. human medicine, climate change, environmental pollutants and conservation science? No research dependent on this species
17 Ex situ research Does conserving this species (or closely related species) in situ depend upon research that can be most easily carried out ex situ?
18 Ex situ conservation activities Is any ex situ research or other ex situ conservation action currently in place for this species? (Information from the Conservation Actions section of the Red List assessment should be reviewed and considered when answering this question.) No / unlikely
19 Husbandry analog required If an ex situ rescue program is recommended for this species, would an analog species be required to develop husbandry protocols first? Yes / probably A. cf. andinus pudiera ser un buen análogo para esta especie.
20 Husbandry analog Do the biological and ecological attributes of this species make it suitable for developing husbandry regimes for more threatened related species? i.e. could this species be used in captivity to help to develop husbandry and breeding protocols which could be used for a similar, but more endangered species at a later stage? Yes Si se establecen protocolos de manutención y reproducción para A. oxapampae, estos pudieran ser utilizados a posteriori para Atelopus tricolor.
21 Captive breeding Has this species been successfully bred and/or maintained in captivity? Not held in captivity to date
22 Conservation education/ecotourism potential Is the species especially diurnal, active or colourful, or is there an interesting or unusual aspect of its ecology that make it particularly suitable to be an educational ambassador for conservation of the species in the range country, either in zoos or aquariums or within ecotourism activities? Yes Es una especies vistosa, diurna y activa. El Ulcumano Ecolodge informa a sus visitantes de esta especie y otras, y su importancia en el ecosistema.
23 Mandate Is there an existing conservation mandate recommending the ex situ conservation of this taxon? No
24 Range State approval If an ex situ initiative was proposed for this species, would it be supported (and approved) by the range State (either within the range State or out-of-country ex situ)? Yes / probably La Resolución de Dirección Ejecutiva de SERFOR-RDE-000028-2023-DE - autoriza la “Lista de especies nativas susceptibles de ser manejadas con fines comerciales en zoocriaderos”, que incluye Atelopus pulcher. Por lo tanto, y teniendo este antecedente es posible obtener permiso del gobierno peruano para instaurar un programa ex situ para esta especie.
25 Founder specimens Are sufficient animals of the taxon available or potentially available (from wild or captive sources) to initiate an ex situ program, if one was recommended? Yes / probably
26 Taxonomic status Has a complete taxonomic analysis of the species in the wild been carried out, to fully understand the functional unit you wish to conserve (i.e. have species limits been determined)? Yes

Citation: Chaparro, J.C. ; Roca-Rey Ross, B. ; Venegas, P. 2023. Conservation Needs Assessment for Atelopus oxapampae, Peru (AArk/ASI Atelopus Assessment Workshop).
https://www.conservationneeds.org/assessment/6992 Accessed 20 May 2024